Automatic real time label printing top side cup carton labeling machine real time barcode date label printer flat top label applicator line
MOREAutomatic carton box double left right side labeling machine carton both side adhesive sticker label applicator line
MOREAutomatic adhesive stickers round bottle high speed rolling labeling machine food bottle can jar label applicator line
MOREAutomatic vertical wine round bottle positioning labeling machine linear can jar half full wrap around adhesive sticker label applicator line
MOREAutomatic fire extinguisher labeling machine big round bottle oil drum pail bucket label sticker applicator line with convyor
MOREAutomatic double heads card paper carton box flat surface labeling machine horizontal cardboard paging plane side label applicator line
MOREAutomatic double side square flat bottle labeling machine front back adhesive sticker transparent opaque label applicator line
MOREAutomatic bottle can jar shrink sleeve labeling sealing machine PVC PET bottle full neck sleeve label applicator line with heat tunnel
MOREAutomatic horizontal bottle labeling machine high speed labeling equipment with storage feeding tank
MOREWe provide a full range of packaging machinery and systems including: filling machines, labeling equipment, capping machines, bottling equipment, flexible packaging systems, shrink wrap machines, tablet and capsule counters, and complete packaging lines for the Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food and Beverage industries.
Address:No. 01 Xipuxi Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China
Tel.: +86-0769-8218-8502
Mobil: +86-198-6869-0810
Fax: +86-0769-8218-8502
Shenzhen Gerong Industrial Co.,Ltd E-mail:
Tel.: +86-0769-8218-8502 MOB:+86-198-6869-0810 Fax: +86-0769-8218-8502